our daily bread
a collection of 52 ideas for sculpture
Fitzroy library

series of posters for five walls

The mycelium or root system of the bracket fungus is being cultivated as a biodegradable alternative to single use packaging. Reconstituted Orange mimics the form of this striking fungus using recycled plastic lids from orange juice containers. The juxtaposition of this ersatz fungus with the bark of a eucalyptus compels us to consider a cacotopic future where micro plastics are an irrevocable part of the biosphere.

After the sudden death of my partner I became the new owner of a collection of books on the practice and history of psychiatry. Among these was an incomplete series on the theory of psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud published by Penguin. After my father, also a psychiatrist, died I was able to complete the entire set of sixteen volumes of the Pelican Freud Library with the remaining books drawn from his collection. For this work, I have recreated the full set of brightly coloured books using upcycled textiles, mostly from King sized bed linen, no longer useful, and drawing on my history as a seamstress to make them my own.

After curating a series of shows at Arts Project Australia I maintained a practice of creating portraits of studio artists and giving them as presents. The work is an ongoing series of photographs which document the moment of recognition.

Jodie and I have continued to work collaborative since 2005 working mainly with different forms of portraiture that include text as well as recorded conversations.

our daily bread
a collection of 52 ideas for sculpture
Fitzroy library
series of posters for five walls
The mycelium or root system of the bracket fungus is being cultivated as a biodegradable alternative to single use packaging. Reconstituted Orange mimics the form of this striking fungus using recycled plastic lids from orange juice containers. The juxtaposition of this ersatz fungus with the bark of a eucalyptus compels us to consider a cacotopic future where micro plastics are an irrevocable part of the biosphere.
After the sudden death of my partner I became the new owner of a collection of books on the practice and history of psychiatry. Among these was an incomplete series on the theory of psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud published by Penguin. After my father, also a psychiatrist, died I was able to complete the entire set of sixteen volumes of the Pelican Freud Library with the remaining books drawn from his collection. For this work, I have recreated the full set of brightly coloured books using upcycled textiles, mostly from King sized bed linen, no longer useful, and drawing on my history as a seamstress to make them my own.
After curating a series of shows at Arts Project Australia I maintained a practice of creating portraits of studio artists and giving them as presents. The work is an ongoing series of photographs which document the moment of recognition.
Jodie and I have continued to work collaborative since 2005 working mainly with different forms of portraiture that include text as well as recorded conversations.